April 2020

Tax Planning



I hope everyone is healthy and staying as safe as possible…

Here are some recent Covid-19 resources for both individuals and businesses. Most are tax oriented since that is my arena, but there are safety & health resources too!

Posted April 30, 2020
Tax Tips

With the recent coronavirus outbreak, discussions of paid leave, and states of emergency, more attention has been paid to sick time and paid time off than ever before. If you’re a small business owner with just a few employees, you might not have an official sick time policy.

Posted April 27, 2020
Tax Planning

Do you have an elderly parent or adult relative that you take care of? It doesn’t have to be a parent; it could be an adult child with special needs, an elderly aunt or another close relative. As long as it is a qualifying relationship, the IRS allows you to claim such a persons as a dependent on your tax return.

Posted April 22, 2020
Debt Management

Being able to borrow is a huge benefit when you need extra help, but debt is a huge burden that is very hard to dig your way out of. The problem is that debt creeps up on you over time. No one purposely goes into debt for tens of thousands of dollars.

Posted April 14, 2020
Tax Planning

Selling cheesecakes on the side, or DJ’ing friend’s weddings? You’re not alone. Over 15% of Americans work a side hustle, for reasons ranging from building a savings account to paying off debt.

Posted April 6, 2020