Click the below link for a list of questions to ask your CPA or tax preparer

All services are provided by a CPA that has 25+ years of tax experience and 25+ years of small business advisory experience right here in Portland, Oregon
You will not be working with a bookkeeper or kid just out of college. In this CPA firm, inexperienced non-CPA's just don't do the work. An experienced CPA personally interviews you, performs all of the work & bills you. I personally take your calls & emails during the year - 5-10 minute answers = no charge. I'm here to help & that's the benefit you receive. A professional that cares and gives you the attention you deserve.
I am an Oregon certified public accountant and a longtime member of the American Institute of CPA's (AICPA) and Oregon Society of CPA's. I have national "big-8" firm training (Coopers & Lybrand "emerging business services" here in pdx). I take 40 hours of continuing professional education each year. I have a BS in accounting from Oregon State, with a minor in computer science. I grew up here, was educated here, and raised my family here. 100% USAF veteran owned. I love Portland & all of Oregon.
Services Summary
- Personal, one-on-one attention
- No charge for quick ~5-10 minute answers
- Free newsletters & planners
- Your own personal CPA
- Tax planning & preparation
- Accounting & monthly bookkeeping
- Quickbooks, after the fact bookkeeping
- New business consulting (see 90 minute 1st meeting)
- NO stand-alone tax consulting - for non-tax clients (since advice would end up on a tax return, fyi)
F e e s
Minimum (starting) fees are mentioned here only due to internet necessity, as some are looking only for the least expensive tax return, with no support.
This firms starting fee includes base support during the year - answering quick email questions (5-10min each, at no extra charge) & providing monthly blog articles (see 50+ online) + year-end tax planning emails. Plus, only an experienced CPA works on your account - you get the attention you deserve!
Here are some typical starting fees for different types of returns. Please note that these are only the starting fees (ie. the lowest possible fee) & that fee is only for the very simplest of business activity, with virtually no tax issues.
- 1040 - W-2 returns with no business activity - n/a
- Monthly "bookkeeping" (see my webpage) $500-1,000 per month*
- 1040 - Sole proprietors & single member LLC filing a Schedule C - typical fee range $1,000-2,000 **
- 1120-1120s-1065 - Multi-member partnerships, LLC's, s & c corporations - typical fee range $2,500-5,000 ***
- Consulting services, for current tax clients only - at $200 per hour
- Quickbooks consulting starts at $300 per quarter + additional to look at detail or compare to documents, prior year.
* Basically, after the month data entry of your bank checkbook & credit card charges to create a cash basis Quickbooks Balance Sheet, P&L, and graphics. Accounts receivable & payable entry is not included. Payroll is not included, as i refer to Paychex or ADP to outsource.
** $1,000 minimum "starting" fee for - a federal 1040, one very simple Schedule C, oregon 40, city, trimet, and estimate vouchers for the following year. Using the standard deduction or simple itemized. Office in home, rentals, stock sales, partnerships, LLC, s corps, and other work or tax complexities will add to that minimum starting fee. A generic lo/HI fee range can be $1,000-5,000 (HI=my highest client fee last year).
*** $2,500 minimum "starting" fee for the simplest of businesses, with virtually perfect Quickbooks records, and no tax issues. That does not include any bookkeeping, tax or accounting adjustments, or "comments" which may be needed A generic lo/HI fee range can be $2,500-8,000 (HI=my highest client fee last year).
Note - most "normal scenario" fees usually will range above the minimum - to much larger fees with any complexities or tax issues. Your fees will be quoted to you exactly & in writing before the work starts. fyi