August 2022

Hi there!

OK, do you use your car for business, charity, or medical purposes?

One possible way to get a tax deduction - is to use the IRS mileage rate!

Posted August 31, 2022
Tax Tips

Owning your own business has significant tax advantages. Ask anyone who has gone from being an employee to being their own boss and they’ll tell you the deductions alone make it all worthwhile. Still, many business owners are missing out on a fair number of deductions. This may be for a combination of reasons.

Posted August 25, 2022

In the wake of the pandemic, more employees are returning to the workplace. Although we may be in for more as far as new virus variants, it’s looking like the swell of returning to the office environment isn’t going to withdraw any time soon.

Posted August 18, 2022

Firing an employee is never a pleasant task. No matter what the history is, it’s challenging to make sure you’re firing the employee the right way. Doing so will help to ensure that there is no aftermath to the firing beyond the need to replace that employee. The U.S.

Posted August 11, 2022
Budgeting Tips

Gas prices across the nation have surged almost 50% this year. The “award” for highest price for gas in the nation goes to Mendocino, California, where it hit a record-setting $9.60 per gallon. State averages for regular gas prices are $5.26 in Alaska, $5.55 in Hawaii and $5.18 in Nevada.

Posted August 4, 2022