If you’re a business or self-employed, you have to deal with estimated tax payments. These are used to pay alternative minimum tax, income tax and self-employment tax. Many people find estimated tax payments to be a nuisance, and they wonder if they are mandatory.
Relocating can be an exciting adventure, filled with the anticipation of new experiences and better opportunities. But proper financial planning ahead of time is crucial to ensure that your move goes as smoothly and stress-free as possible.
Everyone deserves a chance to take a break from the day to day and take a vacation. Vacations are a time to relax, maybe explore a new place and enjoy some of the things that life has to offer with your discretionary income.
Receiving a tax refund can be a nice financial boost. Technically though, if you’re doing things well, you shouldn’t be getting a tax refund. You can make sure you don’t pay the government too much during the year with the help of a CPA.