Hi there & happy New Year, 2022!
Things to do, "taxwise", for the new year...
* please take a look at the tax organizer which was mailed to you on 12-24-21 - and see the list that was emailed to you - "a few items to start"...
* set up a tax "folder" to keep tax documents like 1099's, 1095, W-2, 1098, property taxes paid, K-1, etc etc. These should arrive in January, but may be as late as February 15th. Include those source documents (copies) with your completed tax organizer.
* look at my prior 2021 tax planning blogs to make sure you did all of that too! Some tasks needed to be done before 1-1-22, but some are for 2022 too.
* pay 4th quarter IRS and Oregon estimates by 1-15-22, if needed. See last years' tax letter accompanying your copy of tax returns.
* Look at my prior 2021 tax planning blogs for items to do (some tasks are duplicated below)
* take an "inventory" (as of Dec31) of any items for sale to customers (make a detailed cost worksheet, take pics, and reconcile/adjust Quickbooks records)
* close your books soon & reconcile all accounts as of Dec 31st (to bank statements, loan balances, credit card statements, and any wages to form W-3, etc). No need to wait for statements to arrive in the mail, you can just go online to see these, print & reconcile them now.
* order IRS forms 1099's/1096 soon, if you paid for services or any rent in 2021 (to any entity that is unincorporated. I'm an s corp, so no need to file one for me!). It may take a few weeks for forms to arrive, so order them now! Those are due by 1-31-22 to the IRS and Oregon requires you to file those electronically by iWire. #
* make a note of "accounting practice" as of January 1st each year - to expense any purchases of $2,500 or less (each) & record those in an expense account. Do not list these as assets on your Balance Sheet. If that practice is in effect (as of Jan1 each year), you can make a "de minimis" tax election & just expense these items, rather than depreciate them over years.
* keep track of all 1099-MISC (or 1099-NEC) forms received, to match/confirm sales from customers. The IRS uses these to confirm your sales, so match them up! Be sure to report ALL sales, even if a customer did not issue you a form 1099.
* See the individual tax organizer mailed you (12/24) and letter/list of business tax items needed - mailed earlier in December 2021.
* prepare a detailed schedule of equipment purchased & used in your business as of 1-1-22 & file annual "personal property tax report" in your county assessor's office, before 3-15-22. #
* if you are an S corporation, C corporation, or multi-member LLC - please provide me initial tax information requested, in January or early February, latest. We can schedule a Zoom meeting too, if you wish. See list of items needed & letter of instruction sent you. Those tax returns are due March 15th & complete data (with no questions remaining) from you must be received by Feb 15th in order to file timely. same as in past years.
* if you are a larger business, operating in Oregon (commercial activity of $750k or more), be sure to register for the new Oregon Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) tax. Please see info here on your registration requirements, etc. #
* keep all accounting & tax records, orginals or electronic copies & safeguard them. I suggest most all records be kept for at least 7 years, but some should be kept permanently (investments, home, assets, wills, etc). IRS link below says less, but keep these longer!
* review your 2021 records of time spent on business and/or rental activities and document to prove material participation & possible "trade or business" status.
* review your 2021 schedule & documents to support any business mileage driven (if s corp, c corp, or multi-member LLC - that mileage should have been reimbursed by 12-31-21 to deduct. If you reimburse after Jan1, a 2022 deduction might still be possible).
Most of this was provided in my 2021 Year-End Tax Planning blog (Oct31)
Have a great New Year! GARLAND
"de minimis" election - https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-drop/n-15-82.pdf
biz miles driven, pg13-26 - https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p463.pdf
# note: this task is not part of my normal income tax services, fyi. just ask, if you have questions or if you need help... GAR