Tax Planning

As a business owner, you’re entitled to a plethora of tax deductions. These tax deductions can help you to offset business income, which ultimately helps you be more profitable. Of course, you need to be careful with your tax deductions. Always consult with your CPA about which deductions are available to you, and how to take them.

Posted March 20, 2020
Business Performance

If you’ve been relying on word-of-mouth, newspaper advertising, and local networking to bring in new clients, it’s time to expand your thinking. The internet isn’t just for selling products; even service professionals like accountants can build their customer base online.

Posted March 12, 2020
Business Strategies

In the process of taking stock of your business at the start of 2020, did you decide to look at your insurance policies? Before you review those thick stacks of paper, you should learn about the major types of insurance policies.

Posted March 3, 2020
Business Performance

PPC, KPI, if you’re thinking of hiring someone to help market your accounting firm, you might have heard these terms. But what do they mean? There’s no reason for an accountant to find them intimidating because they’re all based on math. Each of them tells a story about how your website and marketing efforts are producing results.

Posted February 26, 2020
Business Strategies

Does your 2020 business plan include purchasing fixed assets? Maybe you’re expanding your bakery and will need to buy a new commercial fridge and oven. Or, perhaps you need additional machinery to handle planned growth and new orders.

Posted February 18, 2020

Hiring a CPA to help you with your accounting and your taxes is a smart thing to do. Whether you’re a business owner or a regular taxpayer, a quality CPA will be a huge asset in many different ways. A CPA acts in the role of a financial advisor, a strategic unofficial business partner and a confidant.

Posted February 10, 2020
IRS Problems

No one wants to go through an IRS audit. These days, an audit happens when the IRS thinks that the tax money they could recoup from an audit exceeds the cost of performing the audit itself, or if they believe there may be criminal activity involved. As long as you’re doing everything right, there’s no specific reason to worry about an audit.

Posted February 2, 2020
Tax Tips

The CAT is applicable to tax years beginning January 1, 2020. This includes all business types, not just corporations. If you are a larger business, operating in Oregon (commercial activity of $750k or more), you are required to register for the new Oregon Corporate Activity Tax (CAT) tax - within 30 days of meeting the $750k threshold.

Posted January 31, 2020
Tax Strategies

Beginning on January 1, 2020, the standard mileage rates for the use of an auto will be 57.5 cents per mile driven for business use. That's down 1/2 cents from last year. 

Posted January 31, 2020
Business Performance

What are your 2020 small business goals? Do you want to increase revenues by 20%, decrease employee turnover, or launch a new product line? While making New Year’s resolutions, you’ve probably either thought of a direction for your business or made a detailed plan.

Posted January 29, 2020