Just a heads up on this...
If you live in the Portland Metro area, there may be 1 or 2 new local taxes to pay & returns to file, if you have Oregon taxable income of $200,000 (married filing jointly), $125,000 (single), or more.
The Housing tax is for taxpayers in the greater Portland Metro area and The new Preschool tax is for taxpayers in Multnomah County.
Preschool For All Personal Income Tax | Multnomah County (multco.us)
Supportive housing services tax | Metro (oregonmetro.gov)
Personal Income Tax Filing and Payment Information | Portland.gov
These new taxes are assessed on "Oregon taxable income" (unlike the "Arts" tax, which YOU need to file yourself, since that tax is not income based). If you would like help preparing these new income tax returns, please just ask. These new tax filing(s) will take some extra time due to paper filings & extensive attachments (many federal & Oregon tax forms will need to be attached for support).
Here's an address lookup tool...
Metro boundary lookup | SHS Batch Query Address (oregonmetro.gov)
Also, if your employer withheld taxes for either of these new programs, be sure to notify me of that too, when you provide tax documents this year - thanks!
Just a quick reminder: please see my blog last month - "Getting 2021 tax documents to Gar". Some of you are still sending tax documents by email without encrypting them. As i had indicated - that is not recommended! Be sure to encrypt files if you choose to email them, or use a better method - like the 2 online "portals" mentioned, a secure data transfer application (like Dropbox, Box, MS OneDrive, etc), or mailing copies by USPS with tracking. And... you can still drop off your tax package at my office' front desk (desk may be closed at lunchtime & will take longer to get to me, fyi).
Thanks for taking the time to read my monthly blogs! Garland
Garland Taylor CPA, Pres. Garland Taylor CPA PC